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Wanted Topping Lift


New Member
I am looking to purchase a new or used Topping Lift. Any suggestions on on where to purchase or if you have a used one it would be greatly appreciated.

There isn't one. Many just lay the boom on the life line.
Personally I dislike that look and use the main halyard.
As previous post mentioned there isn't one. That said when I owned the boat I used a piece of 1/8" spectra/amsteel and did a small bowline knot at the top and used the same clevis pin that the backstay used. On the bottom end my kenyon boom had two holes above the sheaves that I tied it too. I added about 5 extra feet to I could tie it to the aft loop on the stern pulpit for the lifeline attachment when I was rigging and un rigging mast and boom. As they say YMMV and worth what you paid for the advice-lol. Good luck, they are great boats.
