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Laser 121384 - REDUCED $999 OBO - Make me an offer!

Nigel D

New Member
Price $
Marina Del Rey
Good condition. White hull, grey deck. Lightly used. Probably1986. Sail number 121384. Class legal sail. Carbon tiller and extension. Dolly, Top cover, Foils cover. No leaks. Well-maintained and hosed after each use.

Possible storage on Mother's Beach.

Clean title doc, with 2025 stickers.

Please call or text: 415-939-1557


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Probably1986. Sail number 121384.
According to the code on the transom, this boat was built in July 1986, and if the code uses the format used in North America at the time (it certainly looks like that), then its real sail/hull number is 124807.

But what is highly interesting is the builder’s code ”TDA”, which refers to ”Tadco division of Performance Sailcraft” or ”Laser West” in Costa Mesa. Did they really build their own boats? Are there any markings in the cockpit? Is that a legible sticker on the aft wall? If not, do you have any other knowledge of this boat’s origin?

(Asking as I am trying to catalogue all Laser/ILCA builders :) )

According to the code on the transom, this boat was built in July 1986, and if the code uses the format used in North America at the time (it certainly looks like that), then its real sail/hull number is 124807.

But what is highly interesting is the builder’s code ”TDA”, which refers to ”Tadco division of Performance Sailcraft” or ”Laser West” in Costa Mesa. Did they really build their own boats? Are there any markings in the cockpit? Is that a legible sticker on the aft wall? If not, do you have any other knowledge of this boat’s origin?

(Asking as I am trying to catalogue all Laser/ILCA builders :) )

The sail number will not match the hull number, as I got the sail separately from the boat. This will not be a problem for anyone using/racing the boat. It is much newer than 1986 and is in good condition with no tears or batten pocket wear. There are no further markings on the hull that would give any more information, than you outline above. Welcome to call/text me at the above number to review any further if you wish.

I have a clean State of California Certificate of Ownership/Title document and 2025 CA stickers - the boat is all set for a new owner to go sailing!
Yes, rudder and daggerboard are in a padded bag, seen lying on the port side (bit hard to see...). They are in good shape with no divots in the trailing edges. Everything is there to go sailing/racing - including a bag of spare parts and ropes should anything wear out!
I assume it's the standard size rig? Also it looks like you upgraded from the rec to race rigging system, am I right? I don't know too much about lasers so this is a genuine question lol (sunfish sailor here).
