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  1. N

    Best Day This far

    Just had a killer sail. Winds gusting at 20mph, bottom rail in the water, sail out broad, waves bumping my hiked butt....Whhhoooot. Just had to share
  2. N

    Gill net obstacle

    Shutterfly That's a narrow entry. Our neighbor fishman decided to run his net out perpedicular to the shore at the osprey pole, then left for 300 yards, blocking my normal approach.
  3. N

    Happy Place

    Had a great sail today. Just enough but not too much wind for me. Blowin 15 with some gust of 19. Some nice little waves with which to play. Heaven! No thinking, just sailing.
  4. N

    Today's Lesson

    Well they say you learn something new everyday; so here is today's lesson. REALLY check to be sure your rudder pin is locked in properly (no hurrying). I went out today and the boat was feeling a bit squirrelly. I tacked and all of a sudden the rudder was loose in my hand. Yikes! I'm so glad it...
  5. N

    Would you go out?

    Would you sail?
  6. N

    Moving Gooseneck

    I got the quick release in and have installed it, but am having the dickens of a time moving the gooseneck (with the quick release in the open position). I've tried tapping it with a little hammer, giving it a wiggle, trying to pry the opening a bit...nothing is helping. Any suggestions?
