Fair weather and high tides but fish not ship shape

minas man

It has been a good week for sailing as the tides have been very high and in the afternoon and the weather has been mostly hot and sunny.
I must let you know that out of a 24 hour day there is only usually only 1 to 3 hours that you can sail and this is do to tides so when conditions line up you do not want to miss the opportunity.

Had a good sail on Monday and on Tuesday I pulled the Sunfish the 600 meters down to the harbour and set up leaving the the rudder to last only to discover that the top of the new style pintle was broken off. Packed up and pulled the boat back home to fix but could not locate the spare pintle so no sailing that day. My youngest son was going to be in the city the next day so he was to pick up the new pintle. While he was gone I found the spare pintle and I went to sea. After my sail I loaded the boat on the dolly and started to pull and the boat felt like 1000 pounds, water logged? no just a flat tire so I called up to the house and had the pump brought down. As I pumped and talked I did not pay attention and the tube and tire blue up. New tire and tube and an hour later and I was able to get the sunfish home.
Yesterday I broke the quick release on the goose neck during the pre sail set up. I carry a hand full of zip ties and the wind was light so that is how I did the quick fix and had a hour and a half sail, and for part of it standing up!
I really can not complain as all problems were discovered on land and parts did not brake while I was out on the water or during a big blow.
I think of others who drive long distances to sail only to find during set up they have a broken or missing part. What a drag.
Anyone have related stories of broken or forgotten parts.

Minas man

PS: don't forget the rudder, centerboard, life jacket, sunscreen, and drinking water.
Anyone seen the sail?
I have the old style rudder - and once dropped, in the water, my 8" bolt with wing nut that tightens to keep the rudder down. I sailed that day in moderate wind with zip ties holding the rudder in place. It worked! I promptly went to the hardware store and purchased 3 bolts for good measure.
Zip ties saved the day again! I have a spare pintle on hand just in case. Just need to get my goose neck quick release fixed now.

Minas man
The good news is you'll eventually replace all the parts! Most recently I had rented a Sunfish on Ocracoke, NC and was a couple miles out in Pamlico Sound, when the block that held the halyard up came completely off. (this was a - not particularly well maintained - 60's vintage boat).. no zip ties, but I did have a short piece of line I was able to tie off to the top of the mast and get the sail back up... by the time I got in, one of the padeyes holding the bridle had pulled out. Lesson learned! Take some extra parts and check out the boat before you head out...
for all that trouble with parts breaking, I'm glad you seem to have kept your spirits up!

