Fairlead replacement

Hi all. I have discovered that my boom fairlead is failing and I need to replace it. I have no experience dealing with rivets and such so I am asking if anyone knows how I can get this done? I have watched some YouTube videos but I am concerned that will screw things up!

Any suggestions or guidance would be appreciated. I have added a photo of what I need replaced.


  • 20190511_101750.jpg
    1.2 MB · Views: 67
Don't use 'off the shelf' rivets, use so-called MONEL rivets. Downside of these Monels is, that it's difficult to install them with oridinary rivet pliers. What Rob Hair says, or ask a local shop (car, plumbing etc) to install them with an air-driven riveter.

What videos did you watch? Perhaps there's a trick to add as well.


Edit: your photo is very interesting: that fairlead isn't collapsed as a result of heavy strain inflicted by the primary line of the outhaul! I thin that's snapped because the current rivets started rusting, expanding and that can be the cause of the fractures.
Thanks. It seems as if the plastic has simply deteriorated ober the years and it cracked. The boat is from 1984 and excellent condition. I found a local shop that works on sailboats so I am all set!
