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Free to a good home


New Member
Price $
Update: thanks all for the interest and responses.I'm going to be fair and for now just talk to the people who have expressed interest today.
If for any reason none follow through i'll open the offer again.
Sunfish, has sail, tiller, dagger board.
my dad was original owner and sadly has passed. Puff was his love and I couldn't think of a better way to honor that then to give this to someone who might get her on the water again.
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Thank you for your generous offer. I just learned to sail and this boat would be a tremendous opportunity for me to practice and teach my daughters at Sruce Run lake. I would love to have it if it is still available. Will contact you privately
What I would worry about for a new sailor or sunfish owner is whether on not it is still seaworthy as is or if it needs restoration work? I understand they can become water logged/weighted with age. So I was hoping whoever wanted it they would be able to determine it was OK.
