Kicker (vang) fairlead check


Active Member
Did you ever check the fairlead on the kicker (or vang, just what you prefer ;))

This one is pretty knackered. I bought a new one for just over € 2.00 /$ 3.00


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Interesting; I checked mine and it has only a bit of wear after 15 years. Of course, I don't sail that often and rarely in really tough conditions.
Could the kind of rope have something to do with this wear?
Not a problem with the Allen vang

Indeed! It has the metal insert! Way better solution.

I don't sail that often and rarely in really tough conditions.
Could the kind of rope have something to do with this wear?

It's a July 2017 boat and it was on the water during 50 days in 2017, ± 100 days in 2018 and 79 days up until this date in 2019. About half of those times, the wind was stronger than 10 knots, I would say. About the ropes: up until now always Maffioli Evolution Race 78 - 4mm. A new set 2x/year. However, two days ago I've installed Robline Technora Dinghy 3.5mm. That's when I noticed that the fairlead was gone.

Indeed! It has the metal insert! Way better solution.

It's a July 2017 boat and it was on the water during 50 days in 2017, ± 100 days in 2018 and 79 days up until this date in 2019. About half of those times, the wind was stronger than 10 knots, I would say.

WoW; that’s a lot of sailing; more than I did in 15 years...
It says a lot about the quality of the hull. Your answer implies that a Laser is a 'boat for life'. A sparsely used 15 y/o Laser can be still as good as a 2 or 3 y/o heavily used one! To emphasise this: Marit Bouwmeester's boat has a 210xxx number. That's even older than a 2017 boat. It was not the 'golden boat' from Rio. That one was supplied by LPE and has a 212xxx number on the plaque (The boat is on display at Sailcenter in Holland).

With this 'heavy' use, we replace various items on a regular basis. Lines: 2x/year, blocks: once every 2 yrs., mast parts: every 2 yrs., sails: for racing after 30 days and then it will serve as a training-sail for about 60 - 70 days.

Indeed! It has the metal insert! Way better solution.

It's a July 2017 boat and it was on the water during 50 days in 2017, ± 100 days in 2018 and 79 days up until this date in 2019. About half of those times, the wind was stronger than 10 knots, I would say. About the ropes: up until now always Maffioli Evolution Race 78 - 4mm. A new set 2x/year. However, two days ago I've installed Robline Technora Dinghy 3.5mm. That's when I noticed that the fairlead was gone.


That is a lot of sailing! I got curious and I checked the stats of my garmin:

i have been out sailing 34 times in 2019, total of 70 hours burning 40 800 Kcalories.

Need a bit more of that to get down to 82kg...
34 times is pretty much, given the fact that the 'year' normally spans from March up to October (or perhaps December when you sail the 'Boterletter' in Rotterdam)

That's 582 Kcal/hr. That's about 1 hr jogging or 30 mins swimming. Normally, Dutch TeamNL and the NTT (Dutch youth crew) train between 10 and 17 hrs. That's 7x582 Kcal... 4000 Kcal during training. No wonder that the Dutch Olympic Committee checked and found out that Dutch sailors burn 6000 Kcal/24 hrs!

My son returned from Athens weighing 5 kilos less than when he got on the plane to Athens. And he was not the only one; the others lost a lot of weight as well: 3 - 6 kilos. His current 75 kilos is not enough to handle the Standard, I'm afraid!
