Laser virtual sailing championships

Not clear how it works but it looks cool but expen$ive! The company's website didn't appear to offer any additional information.

I started going to Newport for the frostbiting series but found that despite various combinations of thin neoprene liner gloves and rubber outer gloves I could not keep my fingers warm plus encountered swelling and tingling problems that physicians and sports therapists could not solve. So now I am on a daily XC skiing training regimen, up until this past weekend roller skiing on pavement and running in the woods in the pre-dawn hours, now we have real snow. While it's not Laser sailing which requires much more intense focus and 6 hours of driving, at least I am staying in great shape and my fingers are warm
pirouette said:
I started going to Newport for the frostbiting series but found that despite various combinations of thin neoprene liner gloves and rubber outer gloves I could not keep my fingers warm plus encountered swelling and tingling

I recently tried to wash a boat in cold weather while wearing polyester fleece gloves covered with rubber gloves. My hands got cold unusually quickly. I took off the rubber gloves and wore only the fleece gloves and my hands warmed up some. Weird, huh? The fleece insulated some even when wet, like wool. I don't know what the rubber was doing, but it acted as a magnet for cold.

BTW, I want one of those virtual Lasers for my annual Laser fleet party! Where do I sign up?

