Media Laser's point of view


New Member
Today at lunch time some wind came up, so I've been taking a few shots (quite difficult, single handed sailing and photography at the same time).

Anyway, instead of showing a view from a motorboat, I just wanted to show the Laser's "point of view".

There you go:


  • Speed.JPG
    43.2 KB · Views: 217
Nowadays they're quite cheap, even if only down to a couple of meters (mine is good for 40 meters). I'd love to have a tiny one, so it'd be a lot easier to handle than mine with its case.

This is another shot from the same day, but from another perspective... hope you like it


  • Speed 2.JPG
    Speed 2.JPG
    57 KB · Views: 151
I think this shot is better, closer to what i imagined too. Thanks for posting! ;)What point of sailing were you on if you can remember?
I have no idea what I was doing at the moment :(

Next week we´re supposed to get force 5 to 7, so I might just duct tape the camera to the boat and get a video (good luck to me!)
whups... sorry... stoopid browser hiccupped along the way. I think I've got the hang of using this place now... fingers crossed... :p
