Odd hikinig strap thing


In northern Indiana the lake sailing season has really just started (I'm no frostbiter). So a buddy and I sailed like mad last week. He was sailing in the older of my two boats that has a jank-tastic hiking strap that I made out of a couple doubled up lengths of climbing webbing.

After sailing he was complaining about his foot and through that he'd broken some sort of blood vessel by hiking. That night he came down with a fever and crashed early. He was no better the next day and by the following day his foot was the size of a grapefruit, and red streaks had started running up his leg.

Needless to say at this point we ended up at the hospital a short time later and he was diagnosed with cellulitis, a type of blood/tissue infection that could eventually be fatal if untreated. It's typically caused by either an injury under the skin that becomes infected, or a skin breaking injury from a bug bite etc. 5 years ago he suffered a very severe compound fracture to his leg, so it's likely his circulation in that leg is compromised. He was admitted to the hospital and is now doing fine.

I purchased a proper hiking strap today... just odd to see some of the more extreme examples of what can happen with improper equipment. Those who have read my posts in the past know that I suffer from being a cheap bas****. Anyway, there are things you can skimp on and other things you shouldn't I guess.

It was a great week sailing. Good to get back in the boat.
that's crazy!

A "real" hiking strap really is worth it though.... I really like the Seitech one I bought. It's nice and soft
Yes a proper hiking strap is worth it's weight in gold! Iv'e got a zhik type which is very comfortable. It has little ridges on it for grip so your boots don't move when torqueing.
Hope your Buddy is doing better now!
cheers Hamish A NZ :)
by the following day his foot was the size of a grapefruit, and red streaks had started running up his leg.

Needless to say at this point we ended up at the hospital a short time later and he was diagnosed with cellulitis, a type of blood/tissue infection that could eventually be fatal if untreated.

Ordinary people call this blood poisoning. I had it when I was a kid after going canoeing at Indian Lake (Ohio) with an open sore already on my foot. Mom knew to soak it in hot water in the early stages, and it went away. Hope your friend feels tiptop and likes your new hiking strap.
