This was a phenomenal day!!!


New Member
As some of you may remember, last year I recover a Capri 14.2 who was abandoned in a backyard for almost 5 years, without any protections. I remove tons of trash from inside the boat (leaf, sand, dead small animals, plastic bottles, etc). The hull was in good shape, but the base of the mast was damaged, and there was no door. After repairing those and other details, repaint the all boat, I had it last Saturday ready to rig. As I am leaving on a small Island in Mexico, where there is NO sailing practicer, neither stores etc... I found all the information in this forum, handbook etc. thanks also to Greg Coats who send me some photos which where very helpful. I had to buy via Internet all the accessories.
So Saturday was the big day to see if everything I buy was correct. It was a arm day, 35°C. I receive the help of my friend Angel. We spend the all day rigging for the first time the Capri. You must know that we never saw the boat complete before that other than in photo.
Cutting and timing the shrouds at the correct dimension was quiet a challenge. At 9 PM, everything looks good and at least, the result was identical as the photos and drawings we had.
Sunday, 10 A.M. we where at the beach on the lake face of the island, spend 20 min to have the boat ready in the water. Poseidon was with us. a small breeze of 5 to 8 Km/h, no waves, 35°C. Perfect for the first on water test.
It was the first time for Angel on a double handed boat with 2 sails, and for me, the last time I sail in such boat, was 25 years ago. But I discover that it's like bicycle, you never forget it, just take the time to remember things.
We spend the first 3 hours in such small breeze, enjoying the boat and explain how things work to my friend.
I had a greater pleasure when my wife and 2 kids came to see us at lunch time and accept to go for a small trip on the boat. So, we where 3 adults and 2 small children on board. Poseidon help us again as he decide that the small breeze can be a little stronger for this heavier boat and scale the wind to a 10 - 15 Km/h. Wonderful, the kids enjoy it, and my wife too :) I'm an happy man. We spend almost an hour on the boat.
After they return home, my team mate and I decide to finish the day on the water. Know the wind was blowing a 20-25 Km/h, and that was sport. we spend 2 hours until we where tired and decide to stop. What a day! I'm a new happy man and already think in next Sunday. I have small things to check/change on the boat, but those are small details.
I will post later this week some photos when I find out how to do it.
For those who have Google earth, those are the coordinates of our launching beach for the moment on the Island: 18°38'9.83"N, 91°46'30.93"O

Wow that does sound like a Great Day! Congratulations on your accomplishment of getting the boat all fixed up and seaworthy. :)
Patrick, what a great adventure, finding the boat and bringing it back to life, truly a labour of love that has blossomed into a hansome reward. Please continue to share your experiences whenever you are not busy sailing;)

Thanks both for your kind words. Here is the first photo taken on Saturday with the first sails set up. Hopefully, there was no wind at the moment.


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Congratulations. Any more help we can give you, just let us know. 20-25k is really pushing it, at those speeds, it will take very little to end up in the water. Think about getting a Baby Bob mast head float. Keep us posted.
Quoting Patrick - " Know the wind was blowing a 20-25 Km/h "

Km/h is kilometers per hour , 1 kilometer is approx .62 of a mile

Sorry for the confusion, I will make the conversion the next time I wrote about speed.
As Promise, here are some photos of my restored Capri.
The photos where taken on a very calm day, 4 knots of winds max.


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I've brought two sailboats back from abandonment and neglect and can relate to how you must feel seeing it all scrubbed up, outfitted, and back doing what it was meant to do. It's so much more satisfying than plunking down lots of money for a new one. Your boat really looks great. Nice job; you should feel very proud! :)

Great Job Patrick!

First of all, I looked it up in the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Rob is right. 0.62 or to be exact-- 0.62137119 statute Miles per hour is one Kilometer per hour. But mostly I am writing to say what a great accomplishment getting her shipshape. It appears you did a marvelous job and what's more you are enjoying sailing with your family. Life is good! My boat is an Omega #512 that is similar to the C-14. It was restored by someone who does that as a hobby. I paid $1400 USD with a very good trailer.
The sails look new. Where did you get them? II looked up Ciudad del Carmen from the coordinates you gave. I have traveled a little in Mexico and some time ago we (my wife and two daughters and friends from Veracruz) explored and very much enjoyed Merida, Progresso, Uxmal and Chichen Itza as tourists. Good luck and happy sailing. Jim
Great Job! I too like, JGM and many others, have brought boats back to life . my first C14.2 had wildflowers growing in the cockpit and the mast had to be cut away from the vines that had totally it entwined. luckily her sail were stroed in the garage. I paid 500 dollars for my C22 and brought her back to life. It is rewarding to resurrect boats others have given up on .

Good sailing to you all !

