tiller extension


well, after sailing quite a bit with my wife's sunfish I have come to the conclusion that I do not like the stock tiller extension, I think it is a bit too long as it seems to be in the way by about 5 inches or so when I am seated on the side of the cockpit. I also do not like that it only swins and does not really lift. Has anyone swapped for a normal universal tiller extension? Any issues?
well, after sailing quite a bit with my wife's sunfish I have come to the conclusion that I do not like the stock tiller extension, I think it is a bit too long as it seems to be in the way by about 5 inches or so when I am seated on the side of the cockpit. I also do not like that it only swins and does not really lift. Has anyone swapped for a normal universal tiller extension? Any issues?

First off, most everyone these days would agree that the universal joint is the way to go. New Sunfish rudders come with that upgraded extension, and most everyone who sails a lot has converted to an extension with universal joint.

As to the length, most folks go with longer rather than shorter. 36 inches is the new normal, and Eduardo recommends 42inches!! As the wind picks up you will want to be hiking out more (and sitting as far forward as is reasonable) and most people need the length.

That your extension seems too long really raises the question about your positioning in the boat (and are you mostly sailing alone or with crew?). It might be really helpful if you could get someone to get a picture of you while sailing, so you could look at your seating position objectively.
Well I took my wife's sunfish out today and really paid attention to the tiller and the extension. I do agree that the length really is not my problem, the issue is that it really does need a universal joint. As for the length, she really does not want it longer than the 24 inches that it is now. I could see that a longer one would be better in heavy winds, but the lake we sail on really does not see alot of wind most of the time, for example this afternoon when I went out it was only blowing about 2mph at best. Most of the time it blows between 2 and 5 mph so there really is not much hiking. Plus if it is blowing over that she will not go out in it, it scares her..... As for me if I take it out in more wind, I weigh a bit more than I should so I don't even need to hike out much to get the job done!!! Anyway I ended up ordering a Rostan 24 inch one from APS Intensity does have one for 24 dollars but it is 48 inches long, and I do not want that long for my wife, she will end up with it constantly tangled on the traveler ot the mainsheet
anyone have a picture of how they installed the universal tiller ext joint. I am thinking of using the hole that is already in the tiller as the front hole for a pass trrough screw then for the back one just using a wood screw so it doesnt bo through the tiller?
What I have done is fill the old hole with epoxy. Then drill a new hole in the epoxy for one screw and a new hole in the wood for the other. Those tiller extensions are usually smaller bolts or screws than the 1/4" originally used so that is why I fill the hole.
